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IHEC Blog to NYT
IHEC Blog was one of six blogs worldwide selected by the New York Times Editors to feed into their International Education section online for four years until they built up enough content
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Trump, Tech and Tomorrow is Another Day
We are just a few days from the annual Open Doors announcement and it will
be accompanied by the Fall 2024 snapshot. But there is some merit in
getting un...
Research digest for practitioners: February 2018
With the recent online publication of the February 2018 Journal of Studies
in International Education it’s time for another post in the blog series
that ...
Vietnam, You Shine Ever So Bright
With wisdom and youth hand in hand, building tomorrow, a prosperous land. I
created this song about Vietnam using AI-generated text and music based on
my i...
To Paris and Back (twice!) in a week…
I made the first of two trips to Paris within just a few days last week so
that I could go to Adrian Leeds’s monthly Après-Midi meetup. This is one of
my f...
Blockchain Research Ranking
Blockchain, we are told, is poised to reshape global finance. That may be
premature but it is beginning to look as though it will have a significant
Learn Mandarin as Studying Abroad in Taiwan
Taiwan is becoming a prime destination for students interested in learning
Mandarin during a study abroad experience. Offering an immersive
environment, ...
Joe Biden’s Education Policy
Let’s take a look at what education under a Biden presidency may look like.
According to Anne Dennon’s article of July 20, 2020 posted on Best
Colleges, Jo...
“A Class of Public Servants”
Twenty-nine African Leaders of Tomorrow scholars from across Canada met
virtually this week to share the results of their research and studies in
public ...
The Puzzle of the International Ed Job Search
Here is what a puzzle of a few dozen airplane windows views reminded me
about the international education job search.
The post The Puzzle of the Internat...
International Travel Changes over the Past Decade
A look back at the past decade in faculty-led education abroad must include
changes in international travel. Here are a few from the vast experience of
4 Reasons to go to college in the south
Universities are great in the north and south alike, but there are some
differences between the two. At GradTrain, we support schools from both
regions, b...
Ser o no ser ágiles, tal vez sea esta la cuestión
Ágil es una de las palabras de moda. Todo el mundo se quiere apuntar a las
metodologías ágiles porque son sinónimo de estar a la vanguardia en el
Join the 2018-2019 yPIE Board
Membership in yPIE offers many professional opportunities: networking with
peers, speaker series featuring experts from the field, and guest blogging
to ...
The College Graduation Challenge
This New York Times piece below describes the challenge, Farther Foundation
is addressing it. Our students are attending college at a 99% rate and
The New Crisis of Public Communication
This Wednesday we had our department's Jay Blumler Lecture, given this year
by Silvio Waisbord of George Washington University. The annual lectures
always ...
Deep Internationalization & Infrastructure
Note: this entry is also available via Inside Higher Ed here. ~~~~~~ Over
the last several years, it has been interesting to see the development of
some ne...
EducationUSA: Common Mistakes Made on Applications
What do students struggle with the most as they apply to different
universities? EducationUSA discusses some of the most common mistakes that
Reclaiming university autonomy
UNIVERSITY autonomy is again back on the front burner. Ideas and Yayasan
Sime Darby will be hosting next week the National Higher Education
Conference 20...
On diversity as a resource for learning
Is it exploitative to view international students as a learning resource
for home students? There is in my view a problematic tension inherent in
the conce...
Deciding what to wear in another culture
Over the years I have sometimes wondered: Sneakers or leather walking shoes
for my European travels? Maybe I don’t want my shoes to announce that I’m
from ...
Summer visiting faculty and interns
This summer FIE is delighted to welcome 16 visiting faculty members to FIE
London. You can check out all of their bios at the link below! 2016 Summer
The Wonder of Google
By Yves Salomon-Fernandez It’s not every day that I get to have this type
of a mesmerizing experience through the course of my work. Of course
students rea...
Sustainable Population through Immigration
Current events in the news sees significant international movements or
migration of people for various reasons, pull and push factors etc..
However, be ca...
November 2015 – New ACE Resources
ACE has added several new resources to the INCI site. Under Faculty and
Administrator Development, Internationalizing the Tenure Code: Policies to
Promote ...
First-Year Retention Rates
[image: First-Year-Retention-Rates.jpg]
First-year retention rates measure the percent of first-year undergraduate
students who return for their second y...
Congressional Internships – Ideal Building Blocks
In Working World, Mark and I discuss the importance of having “building
blocks” on your resume. These are experiences that show you have survived a
Student Perspective: 23 days of change
Jackie Jorgensen, the Eagles Abroad marketing intern, writes: I never knew
23 days could change my life; in just 23 days my perspective on this world
was g...
Factors in International Student Decision Making
International students might come from far and wide but they mostly have
the same expectations for the schools that they apply to. Prospective
students r...
Realignments in International Education
In my final blog on the Sage Handbook of international Higher Education, I
thought it appropriate to review some of the concluding themes in the
volume’s f...
Office Situation Update/2012 Holiday Schedule
I am pleased to announce that our office is fully operational again.
Regarding our holiday schedule: Please note that Global Current will be
closed from Mo...
Exploring SKY, LIGHT, PEACE and DUSK in Kyoto
I’ve been in Kyoto, Japan for about two weeks now. This place is magical!
Little did I know that autumn is one of the most beautiful times of year,
with th...
How To Avoid Becoming a Pseudo Global Citizen
A university official running global programs lamented in his blog that
global citizenship, a term that is meant to convey concern for global
social justic...
Thanks to Blogger I was able to optimize IHEC Blog for mobile viewing a short time ago. I hope this helps make IHEC Blog more accessible to those who are frequent readers or just stopping by to check it out. My consulting site/blog over at is already optimized for mobile viewing, in case you were wondering!