Need an International Education Project Completed?

International Higher Education Consulting Blog

International Education and Related Blogs

Friday, July 16, 2010

Over on IHEC Blog you will find a brief poll I’m conducting on new media use in international education.  Specifically, I want to see which new media tool you feel is the “best” for keeping up to date on the field of international education.  I, like many colleagues, find myself utilizing all of the new media tools listed below in the poll (except MySpace as I’m not there ~ should I be?) but there are a few that I turn regularly for information so it is a difficult decision for me (I get to vote in the poll don’t I?).  I purposefully set up the survey to allow only one answer per person.  I estimate that this survey will take you 17 seconds or less to complete and I thank you in advance for your time!


The poll closes on Friday, June 30th at 11:59 (CST) and the results will be announced Monday, August 2nd on the new International Higher Education Consulting website at